The Positivity Epidemic – What you need to Know

The word epidemic is usually thought to connote a negative idea often related to spreading a contagious virus or disease. But did you know...

Route 66 Hi-way Makes Environmental History

Known to be one of the first official hi-ways in the US, Route 66 starts in Chicago and ends in Santa Monica California totaling...


Broccoli Tots Recipe: Get your Kids to Eat their Veggies

As a parent, you know how hard it is to convince your young kids to eat vegetables. You basically have to wage war whenever...

3 Gadgets You Never Thought Existed

An old Russian proverb states “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne”. Although our world may be full of advanced technology, the truth...

A Blood test to Help Prescribe Anti – Depressant Medicine

Statistics show that 1 out of 5 Americans will have an encounter with serious depression during their lifetime. Among the antidepressant medications available, only...


Sleep Your Way to a Sexier You

“Your future depends on your dreams so go to sleep”. As cliché as this may sound, the truth is that more than your future...

Love Hurts…But Can it Kill?

You know the feeling, you don´t want to get out of bed, the world seems a colourless, desolate wasteland. Someone stomped on your heart and...

Is Cardio the Answer to Your weight Loss Dilemma?

The weight loss business is a multi-million business causing people to spend lots of money to try and reach their ideal weights. From surgery...

A Blood test to Help Prescribe Anti – Depressant Medicine

Statistics show that 1 out of 5 Americans will have an encounter with serious depression...

Stretching Myths Exposed

Whether you are among those who stretches for a few minutes immediately after waking up...

Scientists Find Cheese Helps Type 2 Diabetes

Eating cheese in moderation has been proven to reduce the body’s resistance to insulin, according...

10 Ways to Beat the Heat this summer

There are many reasons to love the summer-vacations, beach, and sun tan but although you...

Little Signs that may Spell Big Health Problems

Don’t you sometimes wish your body would tell you when you ought to go to...


Is The Cure For Peanut Allergy…Peanuts?!

For most of us peanuts are great as snacks or for spreading into our sandwiches. They are delicious and nutrient-packed. But, for some, peanuts...


Twins Born in Separate Years

Twins are amazing. Two little ones growing together in the womb and then coming out, sometimes staying close for their entire lives. They make for...

Focus: The Key to Your Fitness Success

People are becoming more and more conscious of the need to change their habits and embark on a healthier lifestyle but the sad truth...

3 Tips to Maintain Muscle Mass

According to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, elderly people with the most muscle mass had a 20% less mortality rate...

Do you Need Better Nutrition? 9 Signs to Listen to

Your body knows you more than you know yourself. It knows exactly what it needs and when it doesn’t get it, will let you...