Scientists Find Cheese Helps Type 2 Diabetes

Eating cheese in moderation has been proven to reduce the body’s resistance to insulin, according to a recent study. The study, carried out at the...

Sleep Your Way to a Sexier You

“Your future depends on your dreams so go to sleep”. As cliché as this may sound, the truth is that more than your future...


Fishless Sushi Recipe You Must Try

Sushi is quite an acquired taste. Although you may love seafood, eating them raw and rolled up is a totally different experience. For those...

Lowering Your Calorie Intake without Dieting

“The toughest part of a diet isn’t watching what you eat. It’s watching what other people eat”. The truth of these words is echoed...

Man Faces Charges for Driving Under the Influence of…Coffee!?

Imagine this. You've had a long day of hard work, and you're now ready to go home. You brew a tall cup of java,...


A Piece of Paper Combats Diseases

Malaria remains to be the number one disease that causes death in Africa with about a million dying from Malaria every year 90% of...

Fact or Myth: Maximum Heart rate and Training

If you are embarking on any kind of fitness training routine, there will be many things you would want to clear out. Questuons like...

Healthy Eating: Debunking the Myths

It is amazing how we sometimes believe something with all our heart only to find that we were totally wrong. No matter how logical...

Little Signs that may Spell Big Health Problems

Don’t you sometimes wish your body would tell you when you ought to go to...

Stretching Myths Exposed

Whether you are among those who stretches for a few minutes immediately after waking up...

Scientists Find Cheese Helps Type 2 Diabetes

Eating cheese in moderation has been proven to reduce the body’s resistance to insulin, according...

Healthy Eating: Debunking the Myths

It is amazing how we sometimes believe something with all our heart only to find...

Lowering Your Calorie Intake without Dieting

“The toughest part of a diet isn’t watching what you eat. It’s watching what other...



4 “Must Have” Travel Gadgets For Your Next Vacation

What is your worst travel experience? Was it getting lost in an unfamiliar city? Being separated from your travel buddy and having an empty...

Is The Cure For Peanut Allergy…Peanuts?!

For most of us peanuts are great as snacks or for spreading into our sandwiches. They are delicious and nutrient-packed. But, for some, peanuts...

How to Escape a Fitness Plateau

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about being better than you used to be”. When you start seeing the benefits...

A Blood test to Help Prescribe Anti – Depressant Medicine

Statistics show that 1 out of 5 Americans will have an encounter with serious depression during their lifetime. Among the antidepressant medications available, only...