Man Faces Charges for Driving Under the Influence of…Coffee!?

Imagine this. You've had a long day of hard work, and you're now ready to go home. You brew a tall cup of java,...

A Blood test to Help Prescribe Anti – Depressant Medicine

Statistics show that 1 out of 5 Americans will have an encounter with serious depression during their lifetime. Among the antidepressant medications available, only...


Focus: The Key to Your Fitness Success

People are becoming more and more conscious of the need to change their habits and embark on a healthier lifestyle but the sad truth...

Healthy Eating: Debunking the Myths

It is amazing how we sometimes believe something with all our heart only to find that we were totally wrong. No matter how logical...

Planning your Meals-The Secret to Healthy Eating

Our brains are hardwired to search for the fastest, simplest solution available. This is applicable even when it comes to selecting meals for your...


Beware of these Contaminated Fruits and Veggies

You remember how your mother had to force you and your siblings to eat vegetables? As kids, fruits and vegetables simply didn’t look edible....

Onion Ring Recipe with a Cheesy Twist

What is your favorite snack? There is probably a long list you have to answer that. But how about your favorite healthy snack? That...

Route 66 Hi-way Makes Environmental History

Known to be one of the first official hi-ways in the US, Route 66 starts in Chicago and ends in Santa Monica California totaling...

Firefighter’s Wife Startled When He Tells Her They Can Keep Baby He Delivered At Work

We have all heard the story of the Stork, right? Where a baby has been...

Do you Need Better Nutrition? 9 Signs to Listen to

Your body knows you more than you know yourself. It knows exactly what it needs...

Beware of these Contaminated Fruits and Veggies

You remember how your mother had to force you and your siblings to eat vegetables?...

A Piece of Paper Combats Diseases

Malaria remains to be the number one disease that causes death in Africa with about...

Stretching Myths Exposed

Whether you are among those who stretches for a few minutes immediately after waking up...



A Blood test to Help Prescribe Anti – Depressant Medicine

Statistics show that 1 out of 5 Americans will have an encounter with serious depression during their lifetime. Among the antidepressant medications available, only...

Planning your Meals-The Secret to Healthy Eating

Our brains are hardwired to search for the fastest, simplest solution available. This is applicable even when it comes to selecting meals for your...

Do you Need Better Nutrition? 9 Signs to Listen to

Your body knows you more than you know yourself. It knows exactly what it needs and when it doesn’t get it, will let you...

Is Cardio the Answer to Your weight Loss Dilemma?

The weight loss business is a multi-million business causing people to spend lots of money to try and reach their ideal weights. From surgery...