If you are embarking on any kind of fitness training routine, there will be many things you would want to clear out. Questuons like is it ok to take a shower immdietly after a workout? What happens if I exceed my maximum heart rate? There are many myths out there related to training. In this article, we will takle myths related to your maximum heart rate or the greatest number of beats your heart rate can achieve. This varies depending on age and the easiest way to determine your maximum heart rate is simply to subtract your age from 220. With this knowledge in hand, let’s tackle a few myths about your MHR.
Myth #1: If you aren’t working at your MHR, you aren’t doing anything of use
False. Just beaues you aren’t working your heart out to its maximum capacity doesn’t mean your body isn’t benefiting form the training. Remember, there are a host of dangers that arise from frequently working out at your maximum heart rate. Injuries, fatigue and other negative effects can have long term side effects.
Myth #2: You only are at risk of cardiac problems if you work at your MHR
False. There are a lot of factors aside from your maximum heart rate that can influence you’re having a cardiac incident. Factors like high blood pressure are among the contributing reasons for such attacks not simply your MHR. Athletes working at low intensity workloads sill have cardio incidents.
Myth #3: You can determine how hard you are working
False. The way your heart reacts to your workout is simply its reaction to what you are doing. It therefore cannot be used as a gauge of the actual work. In addition, there are other external factors that can affect your hearts reaction to training. For example, caffeine, dehydration, heat can cause your heart to increase its rate even with a seemingly low intensity workout.
Myth #4: Your heart will explode if you train beyond your MHR
False. You can relax. Your heart won’t allow you to work it to death. If it can’t take the training you are doing, it will start self-preservation mode which means you will automatically slow down. For most people, a maximum of two minutes can be expected at their MHR.
These are just a few of the training myths you will be relieved to know aren’t at all true. The next time you think of your heart bursting, you can relax, your body will not let you work it to death.