Sleep Your Way to a Sexier You

“Your future depends on your dreams so go to sleep”. As cliché as this may sound, the truth is that more than your future...

When Science Meets Technology

How original do you think modern day technology is? Well, compared to what our grandparents had, you would think that there are indeed a...


Little Signs that may Spell Big Health Problems

Don’t you sometimes wish your body would tell you when you ought to go to the doctor? In a way it does. The problem...

Man Gives His Wife The Silent Treatment….For 20 Years!

Have you ever gotten so angry at someone that you didn’t want to talk to them ever again? I’m sure you did. I sure...

Stretching Myths Exposed

Whether you are among those who stretches for a few minutes immediately after waking up or never miss a stretch before and after exercise,...


Man Gives His Wife The Silent Treatment….For 20 Years!

Have you ever gotten so angry at someone that you didn’t want to talk to them ever again? I’m sure you did. I sure...

Are Frozen Fruit and Vegetables Healthier than Fresh?

Many of us have been influenced to believe that all processed food is generally bad for our health. Canned goods, dried goods, everything that...

Doping in Sports-The Science behind How Athletes Cheat

The 2004 Olympics was reported the most doped Olympics with 26 reported violations. Throughout the history, bodybuilders, cyclists, swimmers and other athletes have tested...

A Piece of Paper Combats Diseases

Malaria remains to be the number one disease that causes death in Africa with about...

Little Signs that may Spell Big Health Problems

Don’t you sometimes wish your body would tell you when you ought to go to...

Is Cardio the Answer to Your weight Loss Dilemma?

The weight loss business is a multi-million business causing people to spend lots of money...

15 Easy Steps for a Better Mood

In today’s stressful world, keeping a positive attitude and good mood is more challenging than...

10 Ways to Beat the Heat this summer

There are many reasons to love the summer-vacations, beach, and sun tan but although you...



Are Frozen Fruit and Vegetables Healthier than Fresh?

Many of us have been influenced to believe that all processed food is generally bad for our health. Canned goods, dried goods, everything that...

Do you Need Better Nutrition? 9 Signs to Listen to

Your body knows you more than you know yourself. It knows exactly what it needs and when it doesn’t get it, will let you...

Beware of these Contaminated Fruits and Veggies

You remember how your mother had to force you and your siblings to eat vegetables? As kids, fruits and vegetables simply didn’t look edible....

9 Life Hacks that Don’t Work – Number 8 will Shock...

You have probably tried so many so called 'life hacks' that you thought sounded awesome and likely they did. The idea of finding cool...