Man Faces Charges for Driving Under the Influence of…Coffee!?
Imagine this. You've had a long day of hard work, and you're now ready to go home. You brew a tall cup of java,...
A Blood test to Help Prescribe Anti – Depressant Medicine
Statistics show that 1 out of 5 Americans will have an encounter with serious depression during their lifetime. Among the antidepressant medications available, only...
Broccoli Tots Recipe: Get your Kids to Eat their Veggies
As a parent, you know how hard it is to convince your young kids to eat vegetables. You basically have to wage war whenever...
Grieving Mother Donates Her Breast Milk
Losing a baby can be one of the most painful and sad events to happen to a mother. The life that has grown inside...
Do you Need Better Nutrition? 9 Signs to Listen to
Your body knows you more than you know yourself. It knows exactly what it needs and when it doesn’t get it, will let you...
Onion Ring Recipe with a Cheesy Twist
What is your favorite snack? There is probably a long list you have to answer that. But how about your favorite healthy snack? That...
Twins Born in Separate Years
Twins are amazing. Two little ones growing together in the womb and then coming out, sometimes staying close for their entire lives.
They make for...
Little Signs that may Spell Big Health Problems
Don’t you sometimes wish your body would tell you when you ought to go to the doctor? In a way it does. The problem...
Beware of these Contaminated Fruits and Veggies
You remember how your mother had to force you and your siblings to eat vegetables? As kids, fruits and vegetables simply didn’t look edible....
Scientists Find Cheese Helps Type 2 Diabetes
Eating cheese in moderation has been proven to reduce the body’s resistance to insulin, according to a recent study.
The study, carried out at the...