15 Easy Steps for a Better Mood

In today’s stressful world, keeping a positive attitude and good mood is more challenging than ever. With more and more people around us getting...

Sleep Your Way to a Sexier You

“Your future depends on your dreams so go to sleep”. As cliché as this may sound, the truth is that more than your future...

The Positivity Epidemic – What you need to Know

The word epidemic is usually thought to connote a negative idea often related to spreading a contagious virus or disease. But did you know...

Stretching Myths Exposed

Whether you are among those who stretches for a few minutes immediately after waking up or never miss a stretch before and after exercise,...

Focus: The Key to Your Fitness Success

People are becoming more and more conscious of the need to change their habits and embark on a healthier lifestyle but the sad truth...

Stretching When Wake Up – Why?

It has been said that 50% of sports injuries could have been prevented with stretching. Stretching however is not simply something to think about...

Doping in Sports-The Science behind How Athletes Cheat

The 2004 Olympics was reported the most doped Olympics with 26 reported violations. Throughout the history, bodybuilders, cyclists, swimmers and other athletes have tested...

3 Tips to Maintain Muscle Mass

According to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, elderly people with the most muscle mass had a 20% less mortality rate...

How to Escape a Fitness Plateau

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about being better than you used to be”. When you start seeing the benefits...