Outdoor Survival: How to Prevent a Bear Attack

An estimated 27 fatal incidences of bear attacks were reported in North America in the 2000’s. Clearly, although bear attacks aren’t as common as...

Healthy Lifestyle – Your Easy Happiness Booster

“Happiness is not out there, it’s in you.” This saying can be more literal than you think. Apart from the obvious psychological implications of...

Lifestyle and Fertility – Connecting the Dots

If you have heard the saying “life begins at forty”, our modern age may have a slightly different version of this “life stops at...

Parking Ticket Robot beats 160,000 Tickets

How many times have you found yourself fined for a ticket and have to find funds to pay it? Parking tickets may seem like...

4 Months Free Power for Homes in Chile

“Nothing comes for free”. Although this is true in many aspects of life, when it comes to paying the bills, none of us could...